Here’s a collection of misfits I’m proud of:

Starting with JRF, here’s two of many my favorite projects.

I once read an article about the process of naming nail polish colors. Considering that purple is our signature color and we encourage individuals to paint their pinky nails for the #PurplePinkyPromise, I thought it would be a great idea to bring it to life.

Why not have a nail polish color named after our promise?

This concept became a reality, thanks to the efforts of Amy Yasbeck, founder of the John Ritter Foundation and AJ McLean, former Backstreet Boy and founder of Ava Dean Beauty.

QDOBA Tradeshow Booth and LinkedIn

Empowering a Billion Women

EBW Accelerator Promo Videos

I ran 6 social pages for EBW/their CEO. I was in charge of social strategy and content creation. Here are a few posts:

I also had 2 thought leadership blogs published in Forbes under Ingrid’s name. You can find those here and here :)


I’ll let the pictures tell a thousand words. Here are a few I took with my DSLR camera BTS at Baylor Dia Del Oso 2023.

A few of the Fran Dev websites I had the privilege to concept and write.
